We had a tour of the Vatican scheduled for 1:30 so we had time in the morning to climb to the top of Castel Sant'Angelo, initially built as a mausoleum for Roman Emperor Hadrian. Later it was used by the Popes as a fortress and castle. You could still see the Passetto di Borgo, an elevated escape route for the Popes linking Vatican City to the Castel.
Unfortunately, the Pope didn't pop out to say Buongiorno - he was out of town.
We missed the Queen in London and Pope... we really need to schedule these trips better!
Why did we spend two days here? After our tour of the Vatican, we were shot. Our guide was very knowledgeable and we wished we could appreciate the art more because she explained each painting very... very... thoroughly. The tour was supposed to last 2 hours and then leave time to see the Sistine Chapel. But after 3 hours we were still on the tour and our feet were tiiired so we decided to return in the morning to see St. Peter's Basilica. The picture below, on the right, is a view to the altar after you enter. I can really say this place was breathtaking; intricate and covered in marble.Another huge highlight of the trip was that my randomly selected college roommate from freshman year (yeah, we are still friends) was on her honeymoon and happened to be in Rome for two of the nights we were there! We were able to meet up with her and her husband to eat at one of the best local Italian restaurants. No menu, no English, tons of food and wine - perfect! We stayed so long that we shut the place down! The restaurant was close to Vatican City so we were able to see it at night time. It was so strange to see it so peaceful after seeing it buzzing with people during the day.
Back to St. Peter's in the morning dressed in covered knees and shoulders again!
Since we clearly hadn't had enough walking yet, we decided to climb the 551 steps to the top of the dome! The first 231 weren't so bad; a gradual upgrade in a wide (key word) spiral. You were able to take a rest at the roof before tackling the next 320. Holy claustrophobia! That stairway was TIGHT! And not only that but it was slanted inward as you moved further up. Memories of the Arnold's Park tipsy house were flashing through my mind. To make matters a little worse, it was pretty hot in there without any windows. There was no time for a mini-panic attack because there was a continuous line of people in front of you and behind you. No way out! My chest is getting tight right now as I type this. I think we'd pick a different 360 view if there was a next time. The space at the top of the dome was actually very small, but it's fun to say we did it! Now that it's over and done with!
Ciao Roma!