Friday, May 31, 2013

leçons du soleil

lessons from the sun

Memorial Day always marked that final weekend before summer officially began. Well, since we got almost half of May off for French holiday and Memorial Day isn't technically a holiday here, it was hard to designate one countdown weekend. But since tomorrow is June 1, the sun is brightly shining, and we are supposed to hit SEVENTY degrees today, I'd say summer is officially here!
Now that it's beach season, a few things I've picked up on...
French Beach 101...
- No pants for kids. At home, you'd see parents taking a kid's shirt off to play outside on a warm day. Here, it seems like they opt for no pants instead. Last Sunday, there were a lot of children sans pants playing in the sand. I guess, maybe so their pants don't get sandy? But I'd think sandy pants would be better than sandy bums!

- Nude is acceptable. Yep, even though it was only 57 degrees last weekend, the sun was shining and people were tanning topless. I'll stick to the swimsuit.

- Jellyfish. Last weekend there were jellyfish washed ashore. HUGE jellyfish. I'll stay out of the water for a while.

- Man swimsuit = Speedo, small Speedo. Mark will be one funny looking guy in his long shorts!

- Sea smell. I'll never get tired of it.

I got a green thumb earlier this week. Nothing exciting but we had some empty pots on the patio. After a couple trips to the Jardin, we are all spruced up! Bon week-end! Have a good weekend! Yes, the French use the American word, weekend. They just get fancy and add a hyphen.

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